Professional Bing Ads Services
Sitelinks Extensions, Location Targeting, Universal Event Tracking and Device Targeting. Microsoft Bing has been growing as a search engine users are requesting. Since 2009, the Microsoft and Yahoo partnership has surpassed the MSN Search with the help of it’s integration with Facebook.
Universal Event Tracking
Product Ads
Bing Mobile Ads
Using Extensions
Local Advertising
Location Targeting
At CheapSEO, we believe that the key to increasing a company’s bottom line lies in making full use of Bing Ads. Companies find Bing Ads increase the number of items consumers put into their cart and mobile ads boost local impact. Any business struggling to increase their market share should look into the benefits of Microsoft Advertising.
Consumers tend to spend where they live, as research shows time and time again. Mobile ads drive clients to a local business, yet many companies fail to take full advantage of this marketing opportunity, and this failure to do so significantly hurts a business, as experts predict mobile search will overtake desktop search in the very near future. In fact, for certain types of searches, such as those with directional intent, mobile search already leads the way. Companies must take full advantage of this, and, with the help of Mobile Bing Ads, this task becomes much easier, yet this is only part of why many are turning to this marketing strategy. Universal Event Tracking is another.
Bing Universal Tracking benefits clients in that it allows a company to track critical conversion goals across a site quickly and easily. With the use of one tag across the site, the user can measure the success of various marketing campaigns. This may be done across ad campaigns, devices, and more, allowing a company to improve their investment and obtain enhanced insights. Users find the tracking system to be very easy to use, and the tag may be employed for audience remarketing. These benefits boost one’s bottom line in numerous ways, and these are only a few of the benefits of incorporating UET. Companies making full use of this marketing technique find their business is rewarded in a variety of ways. The aforementioned are only a few of the numerous benefits seen with this marketing strategy. Contact CheapSEO today to learn more.
Let our expert team handle your search engine optimization and internet marketing needs, call today!